Monday, May 24, 2010

Brief update...

95 km done today and stopped north of Killmalock (I wasn't with Jo at the end so exact point I don't know at this point).

Full report later but we are making one last heroic effort, we'll probably be in Kilmalock around 9 - 10 and if anyone from anywhere is around please please please come and watch. The moral boost we get from support is unreal and we need independent witness to complete the book of evidence for GWR.

I'm pretty confident that the next 48 hours are going to be the most intense of Jo's life. Do you want to be part of it?


  1. Hi, we have been watching your progress well done you are amazing, can you post when approx. you hope to be in Kealkil/Bantry, maybe we can arrange for a group to join you for a few miles, best of luck until then.

  2. Great stuff, keep up the effort Jo, i am following closely and will


  3. Kathryn McBreartyMay 25, 2010 at 5:10 AM

    Hi to Jo and Team.
    Hi have been reading your blog with interest and wanted to wish you the all the very best for the next few days.

    We know exactly what you are going through as my Dad, John McCann from Dromore, Co. Tyrone has completed a Mizen to Malin run twice in 2008 and 2009. He begins his 3rd and final Mizen to Malin run on 10th June.

    Hopefully the weather will be kind to you and your feet hold up!

    Best wishes
    Kathryn McBrearty

  4. stephen ucc securityMay 25, 2010 at 5:23 AM

    well done joanne keep it going following your progress online not long more to go one final push well done again

  5. Well done Joanne, I have been following your progress on the blog, you got a mention on the Ray Darcy show this morning....well done on an awesome challenge, hope this time tomorrow night you will have reached Mizen head.

  6. Rock on Jo! You are unreal and there are many internerds routing for ya! I'd love to be able to cheer you on. Keep er lit!

    Andy (AKA misty floyd)

    P.S great blog and well done team.

  7. my hart is bursting with pride Jo love mum

  8. We're all in awe of you Joanne .. hope the feet are holding up ok ...

    well wishers at UCC ...

  9. I am curious as to why there has been no updates since?? Look forward to the next piece of news.
